Tuesday, 8 November 2016


The only change that can come about in America is that people recognise their country is in imminent danger. Both Trump and Hillary are no different from each other. Both candidates are dishonest and both are in it for themselves for varying reasons - mostly money, power, greed and ego; the usual things of course for "rotten to the core" characters such as Trump and Hillary. What else would you expect?

Change can only happen when a nation is on the brink of collapse. Being ridicule and becoming the laughing stock of every other nation on this planet, is just salt into the wound. That's why change, WILL happen with Trump in office and NOT by his own doing. In fact, because he is an example of what we all don't want - the uprising, will be swift and fierce.

Trumps own campaign is absurd to say the least. Everything this man promises to do when his in office is laughable and just irrational. It is even more irrational for anybody to think that Trump will actually do the things he claims he will do. The best part, is that Trump will have absolutely no idea what he will do with so much power should he become the next president of the United states of America. He will break promises and those nutters that follow him will be bitterly disappointed. Leftist want a drastic change? Well, Trump has an army behind him and they are as unstable as Trump. They are the militarised and self-trained "white militia" groups in America, who have been waiting for the perfect storm - and Trump, is their perfect storm. They will enforce their kind of hatred on anyone who opposes them and the idea of Trumpism. The civil unrest in America will be damaging to say the least. National guards, curfews, lockdowns. It will get ugly. But this is where change, must be a progressive step forward and a wake up call for those that have been either asleep or just plain ignorant of whats happening to the country. There will be no where else for America to go. So, with a Trump win - there is Real change ahead. Unfortunately - things in America must get worse, before it gets better 

Voting Hillary Clinton in office defeats this purpose. Nothing will change and Americans will once again, for another 4 years, continue to go around in circles.The establishment that's risking everything, including exposure, for Hillary, are running scared. Because the momentum for change is here and Trumpism is a massive disruption

I'm sure a pissed off few Americans have their reasons for voting for Hillary Clinton. Far right extremism, fascism, blatant racism, rape allegations, womanising, pussy grabbing boys talk, and let's not forget plans to force the Mexicans to build a wall to keep themselves out. The list goes on. However, one of the stupidest reasons to vote Hillary in, would be because "she would be the first woman president" Don't get me wrong I'm all for a woman president. But the notion that having a woman president will somehow mean America is progressing, is absurd and an intentional ploy created by the very establishment that had concealed, stole and hindered Bernie Sanders votes. 

Everyone thought that by placing the first black president in America, (something unheard of in American history) was moving towards a socially progressive path and with that - dynamic change. Well, the American people and other nations around the world were all conned. I'm pretty sure the Russians didn't buy it. 

If anyone else happened to watch the inauguration of president Obama, it was quite confronting to have witness the brigade of service men,police officers, fire fighters, national guards, half of whom, refused to salute their newly elected black president as they marched on by. Some even intentionally facing the other way to show their disapproval. Now that was in your face stuff. If you missed it, you weren't paying attention. Definitely not the sort of thing a white privileged individual would pick up on.  Secretly, I reckon a lot of us understood what was really happening here - there was no real change after all. Its America for gods sake

Hillary will serve the purpose of the establishment just as her predecessor Obama had; and the establishment wants the continuity of wars, where naive, gullible young men and women fight endless battles in far off foreign lands against the retaliation of foreigners who are only defending their own countries from an illegal invasion. Let's not forget It's American citizens, who are in a continuous downward spiral of depression and hardship, thru economic debt and slavery to the big banks, homelessness, poverty and a healthcare system, that is far from affordable and the least goes on and on and on

There is change in the air. But it won't happen if things stay the same.  A vote for Hillary, is a vote for the same old, same old 

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